Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Cultural Highlights

The aim of the GEDS program is not only to advance academically but also to get to know the culture of the host country. In this context, we went to the “art walk” (as previously described in our blog) several times to enjoy local art including architecture, paintings and pottery.
However, I (Andrea) wanted to become part of the American culture myself and got the great opportunity to join the UNC Symphony orchestra with a cello provided by the UNC music department. The orchestra consists of more than 100 members (strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion). Even the cello section has 18 (!) members, a number that impressively illustrates the orchestra´s size. Many students are music majors and play extraordinarily well and the whole orchestra is in a great shape! We rehearse twice a week and it is just wonderful to be part of this huge body of musicians. Our conductor is fantastic and very experienced – he works with us as professionally as with big philharmonic orchestras. I enjoy every rehearsal and profit a lot, both as a musician and as a person. During the last months I had the chance to experience myself that music really is an “international language” without borders and easily connects students from all over the world.

 Our first concert in October was my personal cultural highlight so far. We played Ravel´s Mother Goose Suite (sweet and quiet character) and Shotakovich´s 2nd Symphony (with lots of power and brass), two pieces that stand in big contrast to each other. Our concert site was the famous Memorial Hall at the UNC campus, an ancient building with great atmosphere and acoustic. It was a great honor for me to play there. The other GEDS students and our instructors came to listen to the concert and also enjoyed this musical highlight with “the first GEDS artist” J. The concert was a great success and we even got standing ovations! By the time we practice hard for our second concert with Barber´s piano concerto (soloist will be a former UNC student) and Brahms´ Symphony no 2. The concert is going to take place on December 10th, which is my last evening at the UNC before I fly back to Germany. Four months go by so quickly!
Apart from the orchestra, the UNC music department has a great variety of ensembles and concerts to offer. As one example, we watched the UNC Opera ensemble perform scenes from different Verdi operas like Mac Beth, Un Giorno Di Regno, Il Corsaro and the famous independence choir “Va pensiero” of Nabucco, which is a typical earworm all over the world. We were really impressed by the high quality of all the singers, their beautiful dresses and also their thespian abilities. It was a lovely evening with great melodies which we enjoyed very much!

A typical American cultural experience we never wanted to miss was a basketball game of the UNC Tar Heels. Our basketball team is really successful and even won the championship! So it was and absolute necessity go there J The game took place in the famous Smith Center, popularly referred to as the  “Dean Dome”. It was named after former UNC coach Dean E. Smith. The Dean Dome is really HUGE (more than 20 000 visitors fit in there) and the atmosphere was incredible. The basketball marching band, cheerleaders and the famous UNC mascot were there at the match, together with thousands of fans in the UNC color Carolina blue. We also experienced that in Chapel Hill basketball is a real family sport: many families went there with their little children who finally fell asleep and were carefully carried home by their loving Daddies. Everyone (from young to old) cheered and supported the UNC team in its home stadium. It was great!!! And our Team won J
One cultural experience follows the other – Chapel Hill has so much to offer! Next week there will be another personal highlight for us. Our first Thanksgiving! Our instructor was so kind to invite us to her house and is going to celebrate traditionally with Turkey and lots and lots of food. We are sure it will be a typical American celebration that we will never forget.
Last not least, we are going to visit the “Nutcracker” by the Carolina Ballet before we have to fly home to Germany. It will be one of our last opportunities to absorb as much Carolina Culture as we can and we are absolutely sure that we will take home various cultural experiences

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